biography of Mary E. DONNELLY (1898-1963)

Birth place: New York, NY

Addresses: NYC/Lumberville, PA; Tarpon Springs, FL

Profession: Painter

Studied: Hunter College; Columbia Univ.

Exhibited: New Jersey Gal., 1939 (prize); NAD, 1939-41; Montclair Art Mus.; RoKo Gal., 1943; AWS; Bell System Exhib., 1946 (prize); DeMotte Gal., 1948; New Hope, PA, 1951-52; Tarpon Springs AA, 1955; Florida State Exhib., 1953.

Member: Modern Art of New Jersey.

Sources: WW59; WW47; Petteys, Dictionary of Women Artists, cites death date of 1961.
