biography of Samuel GREENBURG (1905-1980)

Birth place: Uman, Ukraine, Russia

Death place: Islamorada, FL

Addresses: Chicago

Profession: Painter, graphic artist, teacher, writer, lecturer

Studied: Univ. Chicago, A.B., A.M., and abroad; A. Lhote.

Exhibited: PAFA, 1935; Covenant Club, 1936 (prize); LOC, 1943, 1946, 1948; WFNY 1939; MMA (AV), 1942; NGA, 1943; CI, 1943; AFA traveling exhib., 1943-45; AIC, 1931, 1933, 1935, 1936, 1940-42 (prize), 1946, 1947, 1949; Chicago Soc. Art, 1936-52; Riverside Mus., 1939, 1941, 1945, 1951; Illinois State Mus., 1940; Delphic Studios, 1934 (solo); Chicago Women's Aid, 1939 (solo); Creative Gal., 1951, 1953; Am. Jewish AC, 1954 (prize), 1956 (prize); Illinois State Fair, 1956 (prize).

Member: Chicago Soc. Art; Chicago Teachers Union; AEA; Renaissance Soc.; Chicago Art Educ. Soc.

Work: MOMA, Tel-Aviv, Palestine; Bezalel Mus., Israel; LOC.

Comments: Illustrator: Art of Today--Chicago, 1933 pub. L.M. Stein Co. Author/illustrator: Making Linoleum Cuts, 1947. Co-uthor: Arts and Crafts in the Jewish School, 1952. Positions: art instructor, Tuley H.S., Chicago; art supervisor, Chicago Bd. of Jewish Educ., 1949-51. He died while on vacation.

Sources: WW59; WW47
