biography of Benjamin Turner KURTZ (1899-1966)

Birth place: Baltimore, MD

Death place: Merida, Mex.

Addresses: Baltimore 10, MD

Profession: Sculptor, educator, writer, lecturer

Studied: PAFA; with Charles Grafly, Albert Laessle (fellowship, and Cresson Traveling Scholarship, 1922)

Exhibited: PAFA Ann., 1923-34 (7 times); AIC, 1926 (prize), 1927, 1929-31; Arch. Lg., 1926 (prizes); Sesqui-Centennial Esp., Philadelphia, 1926 (med.); Concord AA, 1926 (prize); Salons of Am., 1934.

Member: Phila. Artists All.; Archaeological Inst. Am.; NSS; Arch. Lg.; BMA

Work: Pub. Lib., Ft. Worth, TX; Curtis Inst. Mus., Phila.; Pub. Lib., Camden, ME; BMA; Brookgreen Gardens, SC; Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore; Peale Mus., Baltimore; NGA; sculpture, decorations, Radio Station WBAL, Baltimore; Hochild-Kohn Dept. Store, Baltimore; fountain, Norton Gal., West Palm Beach, FL.

Comments: Teaching: Notre Dame College, Baltimore.

Sources: WW59; WW47; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
