biography of Lia NICKSON (1924-2010)

Birth place: Durham, NC

Addresses: Roswell, NM

Profession: Painter, screenprinter, teacher

Studied: Albion College; Univ. North Carolina (A.B.); ASL with Louis Houche; Jepson AI, Los Angeles, with Rico LeBrun; Grande Chaumière, Paris, France.

Exhibited: North Carolina Art, 1952; Mus. New Mexico, Santa Fe, 1955, 1958 (purchase prize); Roswell Mus. Art, 1955 (solo), 1958.

Member: AEA.

Work: Roswell (NM) Mus.; Mus. New Mexico.

Comments: Teaching: Univ. New Mexico Ext., Roswell (NM) Mus. Art. Illustr.: "First Love," 1951.
