biography of John Henry ROCK (1919-c.1993)

Birth place: Tillamook, OR

Addresses: Corvallis, OR

Profession: Educator, painter, lithographer

Studied: Oregon State Col. (B.S.), with Gordon Gilkey; Cal. Col. A. & Crafts (M.F.A.), with Leon Goldin, Nathan Oliveira.

Exhibited: print and lith. exhs., BM, 1956; Bordighera, Italy, 1957; SAM, 1956-57; Wichita, Kans., 1958; CM, 1958; New Canaan, Conn., 1958; Oakland A. Mus., 1956, 1958; Portland A. Mus., 1951-52, 1955-56; Denver A. Mus., 1953; Northwest Pr. M., Seattle, 1951, 1955, 1957; DMFA, 1958; Northwest A., 1958. Awards: prizes, Portland A. Mus., 1955 (purchase)-56; Univ. Washington, 1955 (purchase); Oregon State Fair, 1957-58.

Member: Portland AA.

Work: Portland A. Mus.; Henry Gal., Univ. Washington; U.S. Information Agency.

Comments: Positions: prof. drawing, painting, a. hist., Midwestern Texas Univ.; prof. drawing, graphics, Oregon State College, Carvallis, Ore. as of 1959.
