biography of Margaret Evelyn WHITTEMORE (1897-1983)

Birth place: Topeka, KS

Addresses: Topeka; Short Hills, NJ; Sarasota, FL

Profession: Writer, graphic artist, illustrator, block printer

Studied: Washburn College (A.B.) in Topeka; AIC; Taos (NM) Art Colony

Member: Nat. Lg. Am. Pen Women; Nat. Soc. New England Women; Audubon Society.

Work: Univ. Kansas, Lawrence; Clay Center Lib. & Wichita Pub. Lib.; Kansas State Hist. Soc., Pub. Lib., both in Topeka

Comments: Author/illustrator: Historic Kansas,1954; Adventures in Thrift,1946; woodcuts, Trees, pub. Bruce Humphries; Bird Notes, by H.L. Rhodes, 1932. Contributor: Audubon, Scholastic, Am. Magazine Art, Christian Science Monitor, Kansas Farmer, Kansas City Star. Daughter of Frances Davis Whittemore, first director of the Mulvane Art Museum and long time chair of the art dept. at Washburn Univ.

Sources: WW59; WW47; Petteys, Dictionary of Women Artists; add'l info. courtesy of Childs Gallery, Boston, MA.
