biography of Peter MORAN (1841-1914)

Birth place: Bolton, Lancashire, England

Addresses: Philadelphia, PA

Profession: Painter, etcher, illustrator

Studied: apprenticed to Herline & Hersel, lithographers; studied with his brothers, Thomas, Edward; London, 1863

Exhibited: Centennial Expo, Philadelphia, 1876 (won medal for etchings; 37 of the total of 209 in the expo were his; this led to his solo exh. at NAD, 1877); NAD, 1866-87; PAFA Ann., 1859-85; Boston AC, 1880; Brooklyn AA, 1882; AIC,1894-1909; AAS, 1902 (gold); Phila. AC, 1904; Parrish AM, 1984 ("Painter-Etchers" exh.)

Member: Phila. SE; Artists Fund. Soc.; Phila. Art Club; Sketch Club.

Work: Parrish AM; MMA; Amon Carter Mus.; NYPL; Peabody Inst., Baltimore

Comments: His family immigrated to Philadelphia in 1844 when he was three. The youngest of the Moran brothers, he became best known for his landscape paintings with cattle. In 1864, he went West to New Mexico before Thomas did, and with his brother to the Grand Tetons in 1879. In 1877, his etchings were the first purchased by a major Am. publisher. In the 1880s, he returned to New Mexico and Arizona. His Irish wife, Emily Kelley, was also an artist.

Sources: WW13; Catalogue of Etched Work of Peter Moran (Keppel pub., 1888); P & H Samuels, 333; Eldredge, et al., Art in New Mexico, 1900-45, 203; Am. Painter-Etcher Movement 34; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
