biography of Franz DE MERLIER (1878-1974)

Birth place: Ghent, Belgium

Addresses: Traymore, PA, 1910; Marshallton, PA, 1947; Haverford, PA; Philadelphia, PA, 1959

Profession: Painter, mural painter, teacher, writer, lecturer, lithographer, illustrator

Studied: Belgium.

Exhibited: Brussels, 1890 (prize); Art Acad., Bruges, Belgium, 1894 (prize); Acad. Ghent, Brussels, Belgium,1895 (prize); S.Indp.A., 1926-28; 1936; Wilmington SFA, 1935 (prize), 1937 (prize), 1938 (prize); West Chester, PA, 1937 (prize), 1940 (prize), 1944 (prize); Chester County AA (prize).

Member: Wilmington SFA; Chester County AA; SI; Delaware Soc. FA; Reading Art All.

Work: West Chester (PA) Art Center; Wilmington Soc. FA; West Chester Lib.; 4 panels, Arthur Murray Studios, Phila., PA; West Chester (PA) Pub. Sch. (permanent exh. of the "Saga of Brandywine Valley: The House of Tanguy"). Chency (PA) State Teachers Col.; Reading YMCA; West Allegheny Theatre, Phila.; Lititz (PA) Theatre.

Comments: Contrib.: art reviews, magazines. Teaching: Bryn Mawr AC. Also appears as Merliler.

Sources: WW59; WW47; WW10.
