biography of Giovanni B. PORTANOVA (1875-1956)

Birth place: Misilmeri, Palermo, Italy.

Death place: Sonoma County, CA

Addresses: San Francisco, CA

Profession: Sculptur, teacher

Studied: Sch. FA, Palermo; Sch. FA, Rome; Inst. FA, Paris.

Exhibited: Indst. AM, Rome, 1895 (prize); San Fran. Expo, 1915; San Francisco AA, 1916, 1924; Soc. of Western Artists, 1949

Work: St. Mary's College Chapel, Moraga, CA; Bank of Am., San Fran.; Pantages, Fox theaters, San Fran.

Comments: Position: t., Univ. Calif.

Sources: WW40; Hughes, Artists in California, 444.
