biography of Claude Ronald BENTLEY (1915-1990)

Birth place: NYC

Addresses: Chicago, IL

Profession: Painter, graphic artist

Studied: Northwestern Univ.; Am. Acad. A., Chicago; AIC, with Louis Ritman, Max Kahn.

Exhibited: Elgin Acad., 1941; Denver A. Mus., 1941; AIC, 1941; Assoc. Am. A., Chicago, 1946; Corcoran Gal., 1953-61; SFMA; WMAA; Sarasota Art Assn; Jacques Baruch Gal., Chicago. Awards: John G. Curtis Jr. Award, 1963; Old Orchard Art Fair Award, 1963; purchase award, Ill. State Mus., 1963.

Work: Univ. IL; MMA; Denver Art Mus.; AIC; Ill. State Mus. Commissions: mural, 3600 Lake Shore Dr. Bldg., Chicago, IL.

Comments: Preferred media: acrylics. Design consult., Plaza del Lago Shopping Ctr., Winnetka IL. Collection: African, oceanic and pre-Columbian art.

Sources: WW73; Prize winning oil paintings, (Allied, 1960); Literary Times (April, 1965); Creating Art from Anything (Meilach, 1968). WW47.
