biography of Dorothy OCHTMAN (1892-1971)

Birth place: Riverside, CT

Addresses: Greenwich, CT

Profession: Painter

Studied: probably received her earliest instruction from her parents; Smith College (A.B.); Bryn Mawr College; NAD; Fontainebleau Art Sch., France

Exhibited: NAD, 1918-50 (43 annuals, with prizes in 1921, 1924); Corcoran Gal biennials, 1921-35 (3 times); PAFA Ann., 1921, 1923, 1935; Greenwich SA, 1928-30 (prize), 1945 (prize), 1947 (prize), 1951 (prize), 1953-57 (prizes), 1960 (Hooker prize & Best in Show); Women's Arts and Indus., 1926-27 (prize); AIC, 1936; Fontainebleau Alumni Assn. Exhib., NYC, 1937 (prize); NAWA, 1941 (prize), 1952 (medal); Audubon Artists; All. A. Am.; Hudson Valley AA; Silvermine Gld. Artists; CAFA; NAC; Montclair Art Mus.; Currier Gal. Art; TMA; Grand Central Gal., 1931, 1946; Pasadena AI, 1931; Greenwich Libr., 1941, 1953. Other awards: Guggenheim Fellowship, 1927.

Member: ANA, 1929; NA, 1971; Audubon Artists; Hudson Valley AA; Grand Central Art Gal.; Greenwich Art Soc.; Allied Artists Am.; PS Gal. Assn.; NAWA, 1922

Work: Smith College Mus.

Comments: Daughter of Leonard and Mina (see entries) and a still life specialist.

Sources: WW66; WW47; Art in Conn.: The Impressionist Years; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
