biography of Helen F. PRICE (1893-1960)

Birth place: Johnstown, PA

Death place: Johnstown, PA

Addresses: Johnstown

Profession: Painter, writer, lecturer

Exhibited: Salons of Am., 1933-35; S. Indp. A., 1933-36, 1940-42; All. Artists Am., 1936-37, 1939; Pittsburgh AA, annually; All. Artists Johnstown, annually (prizes:1940, 1942, 1944, 1948, 1950); Western Penn. Hist. Soc., 1940 (solo); Butler AI, 1945-47; NAWA; Argent Gal.; Univ. Pittsburgh; Mountain Playhouse, Jennertown, PA (4 solos).

Member: All. Artists Johnstown; NAWA; Pittsburgh AA

Work: Somerset (PA) Public School; Lutheran Col., Gettysburg, PA; Bethlehem Steel Gen. Offices; Somerset Bank; Johnstown Bank; Univ. Pittsburgh.

Sources: WW59; WW47.
