biography of Clifford SILSBY (1896-1986)

Birth place: New Haven, CT

Death place: Los Angeles, CA

Addresses: Sherman Oaks, CA; Los Angeles, CA (1984); Nice, France

Profession: Painter, etcher

Studied: Académie Julian, Paris with Laurens, Dechenaud, Royer and Jules Pages; …cole des Beaux-Arts, Paris; also with Lucien Simon and J. Francis Smith.

Exhibited: Paris Salon, 1923; Calif. Printmakers, 1929, 1930, 1936; GGE, 1939; LACMA, 1936 (solo), 1940-1945; Los Angeles P&S, 1929, 1935-37, 1943; Oakland Art Gal., 1935, 1944; San Diego FA Soc., 1940; Santa Cruz Art Lg., 1936; Santa Paula, CA, 1941-43; Maxwell Galleries, San Francisco, 1954-62

Member: Soc. Motion Picture A&I

Work: LACMA; Victoria & Albert Mus., London; Evansville (IN) Mus. of Art

Comments: Positions: special effects artist, motion pictures, Hollywood & New York, 1918-62. Adopted son of Wilson Silsby (see entry).

Sources: WW59; WW47.
