biography of Elmer JACOBS (1901-?)

Birth place: Streator, IL

Addresses: Chicago, IL

Profession: Illustrator, painter, lecturer, designer; typographic designer

Studied: Moholy-Nagy, Schroeder, Gyorgy Kepes.

Exhibited: Awards: prizes, AIGA, 1937-1939; Direct Mail Advertising Assn., 1937-49, also plaque, 1945; Soc. Typographic A., 1935-37, 1945; A. Gld., Chicago, 1941; Indst. Editors Assn., Chicago, 1942-45; Carey-Thomas nat. award.

Member: Soc. Typographic A.; A. Gld., Chicago; Am. A. Group: 9" Illustrators; Palette and Chisel Acad. FA; 27 Chicago Designers; Soc. for Sanity in A."

Comments: Illustrator: Anthology of the Flame," "Qwert Yuiop," "House of Morrell," and others. Designed 1953 Christmas Seal. Contributor to Print magazine.

Sources: WW59; WW47. "
