biography of Marie Montoya MARTÍNEZ (1887-1980)

Birth place: San Ildefonso Pueblo, NM

Addresses: San Ildefonso Pueblo, Santa Fe, NM in 1976

Profession: Craftsperson

Studied: self-taught.

Work: Lab. of Anthropology, AMNH; Us. New Mexico, Amon Carter Mus.

Comments: A full-blooded Tewa Indian, she was known as The Potter of San Ildefonso." Her husband was painter Juli·n Mart"nez (see entry), who decorated her pottery. She gave demonstrations at the Mus. New Mexico, at Chicago's Century of Progress Expo, 1934 and the GGE, 1939. She also taught pottery-making to girls in her pueblo.

Sources: WW40; P&H Samuels, 307; Eldredge, et al., Art in New Mexico, 1900-1945, 202."
