biography of Caroline Lenore SIEBERNS (1911-?)

Birth place: Spring Valley, WI

Addresses: San Diego, CA

Profession: Painter, designer

Studied: Minneapolis Sch. Art; Columbia Univ.; & with B.J.O. Nordfeldt, Dong Kingman, & others.

Exhibited: San Francisco AA, 1940; AWCS, 1941; Minneapolis IA, 1935-37; San Diego Artists Gld., 1940-42, 1945, 1946, 1953; Spanish Village AC, 1954-58 (prize); Denver Art Mus., 1945; San Diego FAS, 1940 (prize), 1941 (prize).

Member: La Jolla AC; San Diego Artists Gld.; Spanish Village AC (secretary, 1952-54)

Work: Acad. of the Holy Angels, Minneapolis, MN; mural, Hotel Bella Vista, Cuernavaca, Mexico; mural dec., Pres. Aleman's Rancho Florido.

Sources: WW59; WW47.
