biography of Ernest B. WALDEN (1929-1995)

Profession: Painter, illustrator

Studied: Dartmouth College; PAFA with Stuempfig, F. Watkins & H. Pitman after WWII

Exhibited: Springfield MFA, 1952 ; School Visual Arts, NYC, 1966; Audubon Artists, NAD, 1966; Phila. Print Shop, 1998 (solo)

Work: Dartmouth College

Comments: Position: book jacket designer for Dodd Mead Pub., 1960s; chief artist for Gray"s Watercolors, 1967-85. For his commercial work, he adopted the brush name "Davis Gray" after his favorite color, Davies" Gray.

Sources: article, Journal of the Print World (Summer, 1998, p.36)
