biography of Emil John HESS (1913-?)

Birth place: Willock, PA

Addresses: NYC

Profession: Painter, sculptor

Studied: Duquesne Univ., 1938-39; Art Inst. Pittsburgh, 1946-49; Brooklyn Mus. Art Sch., 1950-51; NY Univ., 1959.

Exhibited: NAD, 1950; solos: Betty Parsons Gal., 1951, 1952, 1968 & 1970s; MMA, 1953; Stable Gal., NYC, 1953 & 1955; MoMA Traveling Exhibs., 1959

Member: ASL (life mem.); AFA; Int. Platform Assn.

Work: Smithsonian Inst.; Penn. State Mus., Harrisburg, PA; Earle Ludgins College, Chicago; Eliah Root College, NY; Phillip Johnson Coll., NY.

Comments: Preferred media: oils, metal.

Sources: WW73; New Means for Moderns," Life (1954); Emily Genauer, "Beatnik Sculptor in Big Museum Show," New York Herald Tribune (1959); "Sounds of Hess Sculpture," WBAI (New York, 1970)"
