biography of Elizabeth Jones BABCOCK (1887-1963)

Birth place: Keokuk, IA

Addresses: NYC

Profession: Painter and illustrator

Studied: Cincinnati A. Acad.; ASL; Fontainebleau, France; with Duveneck, Chase, Despujols, Miller, Strauss & Ballande.

Exhibited: Arch. League of NY; London; Jr. League Club House, NY; NAWA, 1935 (prize), decorative painting, 1936 (prize); Salons of Am.; S.Indp.A.

Member: NSMP; NAWA

Work: Murals, Marine Hospital, NY; triptychs, Army & Navy Hospitals, clubs & residences.

Comments: Illus., Scribners & Harpers.

Sources: WW59; WW47; Ness & Orwig, Iowa Artists of the First Hundred Years, 20; Marlor, Salons of Am.
