biography of Christian A. JORGENSEN (1860-1935)

Birth place: Oslo, Norway

Death place: Piedmont, CA

Addresses: Yosemite, CA

Profession: Landscape painter

Studied: Virgil Williams, San Fran. Sch. Design

Exhibited: San Fran. AA, 1887; Mechanics Inst. Fair, 1887; Calif. State Fair, 1891 (med.); Mark Hopkins Inst., 1897; Bohemian Club, 1899-1904; Cosmos Club, Wash., DC, 1906; Sequoia Club, 1907; Del Monte Art Gal., 1907; Rabjohn & Marcom Gal., San Fran., 1908; Courvoisier Gal., San Fran., 1909

Member: Bohemian Club & Press Club, both San Fran.

Work: Yosemite Nat. Park; Bohemian Club; Mechanics Inst. Lib., San Fran.; Sonoma Mission; Athletic Club, Oakland

Comments: Teaching: San Fran. Sch. Des., 1881-83. Co-rounder with G. Sterling, of the artist colony at Carmel. For five years, he and his wife Angela (see entry), took painting trips by horse and buggy to the sites of the 21 California missions. They built a studio home in Yosemite, where he painted during the warm months for 19 years.

Sources: WW17; Hughes, Artists of California, 293.
