biography of Vivian Milner AKERS (1886-1966)

Birth place: Norway, ME

Addresses: Norway, ME

Profession: Painter, framemaker, woodcarver, photographer

Studied: ASL; John J. Enneking; Douglas Volk.

Exhibited: NAD, 1936

Member: Soc. A., Wilmington, Del.; A. Assn., Plainfield, N.J.

Work: Commissions: portrait of Chief Justice Earl Warren, 1957, for Occidental College in Los Angeles, CA

Comments: Opened his first studio around 1910, working as a photographer and scenic painter in watercolors. Gained reputation for his oil portraits and landscapes in the 1930s, after studying with Enneking and Volk. His landscapes included Maine subjects such as Mt. Katahdin and Kezar Lake. Akers was also a woodcarver and often made his own frames.

Sources: WW40; clipping, PHF files
