biography of Carl Frederick GAERTNER (1898-1952)

Birth place: Cleveland, OH

Addresses: Cleveland, Shaker Heights, Willoughby, OH

Profession: Painter, teacher, illustrator, educator

Studied: Western Reserve Univ.; Cleveland Inst. Art.

Exhibited: PAFA, 1924-27, 1931-33, 1941-44, 1950-52; MMA; WMAA; CI; Corcoran Gal., 1930-51; VMFA; CAM; Audubon Artists; SC, 1950 (prize); Los Angeles Mus. Art; Critics Show, NYC, 1945; Butler AI; Macbeth Gal., 1945, 1947 (solo), 1948-50; Colby Jr. College, 1946 (solo); Canton AI, 1946 (solo); Norfolk Mus. Art & Scicnce, 1952 (prize); AWS, 1952 (prize). Other prizes: NAD, 1944 , 1950, 1952; Pepsi-Cola, 1945; CMA, 1922-26, 1928, 1931, 1941-46; AIC, 1946.

Member: ANA; AWCS; All. Artists Am.; Cleveland SA; SC; Audubon Artists; Phila. WCC

Work: CMA; WMAA; MMA; AIC; Am. Acad. Arts & Letters; Illinoix State Mus.; Pepsi-Cola Collection; Midday Club, Cleveland; Kenyon College.

Comments: He spent time in Bermuda prior to 1929. Teaching: Cleveland (OH) Inst. Art.

Sources: WW53; WW47; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
