biography of Frederic Styles AGATE (1807-1844)

Birth place: Sparta, NY

Death place: Sparta, NY

Addresses: NYC 1826-34, Europe, 1834-36, NYC in 1836-44 (Spring); died at his mother's home in Sparta

Profession: Portrait and historical painter

Studied: John Rubens Smith and Samuel F.B. Morse

Exhibited: NAD; PAFA; Artists' Fund Society; Apollo Association

Member: Founding member, NAD (N.A. as of 1826)

Work: NYHS (portrait of his brother Alfred T. Agate)

Sources: G&W; Edmonds, The Late Frederick S. Agate," gives 1807 as date of birth and May 1st as death; the DAB gives Jan. 29, 1803 (as birth) and May 1, 1844, NYC (as death). See also CAB; NYCD 1834; Cowdrey, NAD; Cowdrey, AA & AAU; Rutledge, PA; NYHS Catalogue (1974), cat. no. 17."
