biography of Margaret Elder PHILBRICK (1914-1999)

Birth place: Northampton, MA

Addresses: Westwood, MA

Profession: Printmaker, painter

Studied: Mass. Col. Art (grad.); De Cordova Mus. Workshop, with Donald Stoltenberg.

Exhibited: SAE, annually; Chicago SE, annually; NAD, 1944, 1946; Northwest PM, 1946; Albany Pr. C., 1945; Buffalo Pr. C., 1940, 1943; LOC, 1944-45; CI, 1944 ; US Info. Agency Serv. Exhib. to Far East, 1958-59; Second Int. Miniature Print Exhib., Pratt Graphic Art Ctr., NYC, 1966; Boston Printmakers 23rd Nat. Exhib., De Cordova Mus., Lincoln, Mass., 1971; Soc. Am. Graphic Artists 51st Nat., Kennedy Gals., NYC, 1971; Margaret Philbrick--A Retrospective Exhib., Ainsworth Gal., Boston, 1972; Westwood Gallery, Westwood, MA, 1970s. Awards: Carl Zigrosser Multum in Parvo Award, Pratt Graphic Art Ctr., 1966; Alice Standish Buel Mem. purchase award, Soc. Am. Graphic Artists, 1971; John Taylor Arms Mem. Prize, NAD, 1972.

Member: SAE; Chicago SE; Boston Printmakers (exec. bd., 1972); Boston WC Soc.; Soc. Am. Graphic Artists; NAD; Am. Color Print Soc.

Work: LOC; Wiggin Coll., Boston Pub. Libr., Mass.; Nat. Bezalel Mus., Jerusalem; First Nat. Bank, Boston; New Britain Mus., Conn.

Comments: Preferred media: intaglio, mixed media. Publications: illusr., "On Gardening," 1964 & illusr., "In Praise of Vegetables," 1966,Scribners; illusr., "Natural Flower Arrangements," Doubleday, 1972; illusr., "West Dedham & Westwood 300 Years," 1972.

Sources: WW73; WW47.
