biography of Grace Thurston ALBEE (1890-1985)

Birth place: Scituate, RI

Addresses: Springtown, PA, 1947; Kew Gardens, NY, 1973

Profession: Engraver, painter

Studied: RISD, 1912; wood engraving with Paul Bornet, Institut D'Esthetique Contemporaine Cours D'Art, Paris, France, 1928-1929.

Exhibited: Salon d'Automne, Beaux A., Am. Lib., all in Paris, 1931, 1932; NAD, 1934-46, 1962 (Morse Medal), 1972 (Morse Medal); AIC, 1935; PAFA, 1936, 1944; Nat. Exh. Contemporary Am. Prints, Sweden, 1937; Venice Biennale, Italy, 1940; Nat. Prints Exhib., LOC, 1943-1944 (purchase award, Pennell Collection); 50 Am. Prints, AIGA, 1945, 1946; Southern Pr.M.; Providence AC; Albany Pr. Cl.; CGA; CI; CMA, 1943; Am.-Brit. A. Center; N.J. State Mus., Trenton, 1945; Phila. Pr. Cl., 1938-46; Artists for Victory, MMA, 1942 (prize); Nat. Exhib. Watercolors & Prints, MMA, 1952 (prize); BM, 1947, 1954, 1976 (major retrospective of her wood engravings); Kennedy Galleries, Inc, NYC, 1970s.

Member: NA (also chmn nominating committee, 1952-); CAFA; Albany Pr. Cl.; Phila. WC Cl.; Lehigh A. All.; Boston Printmakers Soc.; Soc Am Graphic Artists (selection jury, 1954); Am Artists Prof League (chmn selection & awards jury, 1966-, chmn. mem. comt., 1969); life fel. MMA; Providence A. Cl.; Wood Engravers Soc.

Work: LOC; Carnegie Inst., Washington, DC; CMA; MMA; NAD; BM; PMA; National Museum of Women in the Arts, Wash., DC. Commissions: Wood engravings, Forgotten Things, Cleveland Mus & Print Club, Ohio, 1944; Okla. A.&M. Col.; John Herron AI; Nat. Mus., Stockholm; Marblehead AA; Kansas City Woodcut Soc. designer frontispiece, A little book of aphorisms, Scribner, 1947; Co-op Farm, Benefit Scholar Fund Alumni Assn., RISD, 1948; Bridge by the Golf Course, Buck Hiu Falls Print Club, Pa, 1948; designer frontispiece, Unicorns & tadpoles, Exposition, 1958.

Comments: Noted for her delicate, fine-line wood engravings, she made over 200 prints in her 50 year career. Subjects include local scenery of Paris and other urban centers, Pennsylvania farm country and the Rhode Island sea coast. She and her husband Percy Albee (see entry), and their five sons lived in Paris 1928-32. Positions: Gov. bd., Nat. Alumni Assn., RISD, 1944-1947, class sect, 1944-1965.

Sources: WW73; WW47; Malcolm C Salaman, A Chat to the Print Lover," The Studio (London, Eng, 1931); Ernest W Watson, "Wood Engravings by Grace Albee," American Artist (Dec. 1946); Albert Reese, American Prize Prints of the 20th Century.
