biography of Euphemia Charleton FORTUNE (1885-1969)

Birth place: Marin County, CA

Addresses: NYC, 1926; Monterey, CA, 1932

Profession: Painter, decorator, designer

Studied: Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland; St. John's Wood Sch. Art, London; Mark Hopkins Inst., with Arthur Mathews; ASL, with Du Mond, Moral Sterner and Chase

Exhibited: Del Monte Art Gallery, Los Angeles, 1907-28; Pan-Pacific Expo, San Francisco, 1915 (medal); San Francisco AA, 1913-16 (prize), 1917-20 (prize), 1921-34; Pan-Calif. Expo, San Diego, 1915 (medal); Helgesen Gallery, San Francisco, 1918 (solo), 1921 (solo); Corcoran Gal., 1916, 1928, 1930; PAFA, 1926, 1932; NAD, 1921-32;Galerie Beaux Arts, San Francisco, 1927 (solo); Crocker Gallery, Sacramento,1927 (solo); LACMA, 1928 (solo); Santa Barbara AL, 1928 (solo); Carmel Art Gallery, 1928 (solo); San Diego FA Gal., 1928 (solo); Société des Artistes Françaises, Paris, 1924 (medal); Calif. State Fair, 1928 (prize), 1929 (prize), 1930 (prize); Liturgical Art Soc., 1937; GGE, 1939; Oakland Mus., 1981. Award: Gold Medal Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice," by Pope Pius XII, for her mosaic at the Cathedral of the Immaculate, Kansas City, MO."

Member: Carmel AA; Calif. AC; SFAA; Soc. of Scottish Artists; Monterey Guild; Liturgical Art Soc.

Work: Oakland Mus.; de Young Mus.; Shasta State Park; Monterey Peninsula Mus. of Art

Comments: She lived and worked in Europe for longer periods of time between 1897 and 1927.

Sources: WW40; Hughes, Artists of California, 187-188; Petteys, Dictionary of Women Artists; Falk, Exh. Record Series.
