biography of Alice Brown CHITTENDEN (1859-1945)

Birth place: Brockport, NY

Death place: San Francisco, CA

Addresses: San Francisco, CA

Profession: Painter, teacher

Studied: Calif. Sch. FA, with Virgil Williams.

Exhibited: San Francisco AA, from 1880; San Francisco Expo of Art & Industries, 1891 (gold); Mark Hopkins Inst., 1898, 1906; Bohemian Club, 1898; NAD; Lewis-Clark Expo, Portland, 1905 (medal); Société des Artists Français, 1908 (medal); Alaska-Yukon Pacific Expo, Seattle, 1909 (medal); GGE, 1939

Member: San Francisco AA; San Francisco Soc. Women Artists; AFA.

Work: San Jose Hist. Mus.; San Mateo Co. Hist. Mus; Episcopal Divinity Sch., San Francisco; Calif. Soc. Pioneers; Boalt Law Hall, Univ. Calif.

Comments: Specialty: botanically accurate paintings of California wildflowers. Position: teacher, Calif. Sch. FA, San Francisco, 1897-1940.

Sources: WW40; Hughes, Artists of California, 102; Trenton, ed. Independent Spirits, 12, cites birth date as 1859.
