biography of Reva JACKMAN (1892-1966)

Birth place: Wichita, KS

Addresses: Skokie, IL

Profession: Painter, graphic artist, illustrator, designer

Studied: AIC with Wellington Reynolds; Académie Julian, Paris; F.M. Armington and A. Lhote in Paris; Pruett Carter in NYC

Exhibited: Jacques Seligmann Gal., Paris, 1927; S. Indp. A., 1929; Mun. A. Lg., 1929, 1938; Am. Lib., Paris, 1930; All-Illinois Soc. FA, 1936-37; AIC, 1936-37; Paris Salon, 1937; Evanston Woman's Cl., 1937-42, 1944; Am. A. Assn., Chicago, 1938.

Member: United Am. Ar.

Work: Pub. Lib., Bd. Edu., Pub. Sch.( John Marshall, Calumet H.S.), Chicago, Ill.; Holy Trinity Church, Skokie, Ill.; Niles Ctr.; Hawthorne Sch., Libertyville, Ill.; textile des., Marshall Field & Co.; WPA murals, USPOs, Attica, Ind. and Bushnell, Ill.

Comments: Specialty: textile design. Position: instr.: Painting & Design, Skokie Pub. Sch., Skokie, Ill. Contributor: covers illus. for booklets & magazines.

Sources: WW53; WW47; WW40.
