biography of Thomas Arnold MCGLYNN (1878-1966)

Birth place: San Fran., CA

Death place: Pebble Beach, CA

Addresses: San Fran., CA/Pebble Beach, CA

Profession: Landscape painter, teacher, designer, sculptor

Studied: San Fran. Sch. of Des., with Arthur Mathews

Exhibited: Los Angeles Liberty Fair, 1918 (merit award); Calif. State Fair, 1924 (hon. men.), 1939-40; Monterey County Fair, 1931-40; Carmel AA, 1934-49 (solo), 1950-62 (solo), 1963-66 (solo); Oakland Art annuals, 1936-49; Calif. Statewide Exh., Santa Cruz, 1937-38; Soc. for Sanity in Art, 1938 (hon. men.), 1939 (hon. men.), 1940-46; GGE, 1939-40; Santa Cruz County Fair, 1940 (first prize), 1955 (first prize); AIC,1940; AAPL, 1941-46 (hon. men.); CPLH, 1945; San Fran. AA, until 1948; Soc. of Western Artists, 1948-60; Carmel Mus. of Art, 1969; Triton Mus. of Art, Santa Clara, 1970 (solo); Monterey Peninsula Mus. of Art, 1979 (solo); San Mateo County Hist. Soc. Mus., 1982; Ventura County Hist. Mus., 1984-85. Awards: Mark Hopkins Inst. scholarship, 1901-06; Santa Cruz Art League, hon. men., 1937-38, 1957; Art in Nat'l Defense" service honor, 1943. "

Member: Carmel AA; San Fran. AA; Bay Region AA; Soc. of Western Artists; AAPL; AFA; Santa Cruz AL; Soc. for Sanity in A.

Work: Monterey Peninsula Mus.; Oakland Mus.; Monterey Community Hospital

Comments: Already active as an artist and editor in his youth, he sustained a severe back injury in an accident at about age 13, leaving him on crutches for the rest of his life. Specialty: poetic landscapes of the Pacific Coast. Position: chief des., Mathews' Furniture Shop, 1906-18. Teaching: San Fran. publ. schools; UC Berkeley.

Sources: WW40; Hughes, Artists in California, 369.
