biography of William Arnold EYDEN (1893-1982)

Birth place: Richmond, IN

Addresses: Indianapolis 5, Indiana

Profession: Painter, lecturer

Studied: with Wm. A. Eyden, Sr., T. C. Steele, Charles Hawthorne.

Exhibited: Indianapolis AC, 1930-46; Richmond AA, 1915-27, 1928 (prize), 1929-44; Richmond, IN, 1927 (prize); Hoosier Salon, 1936 (prize), 1941-44, 1945 (prize), 1946; Wawasee Art Gal., 1944 (prize); Indiana AC, 1945 (prize); PAFA; John Herron AI, 1946.

Member: Bundy Club; Hoosier Salon; Marian Co. AC; Richmond AA; Indiana Art Club; Soc. Indp. A.; Asheville AA; Indianapolis AA.

Work: Richmond AA; Methodist Hospital, Indianapolis; Ball State Teachers College; Indiana Univ.; Pub. Sch. in Richmond, Muncie, Anderson, Indianapolis, IN

Comments: Lectures: rhythm and pattern of painting.

Sources: WW53; WW47.
