biography of Blanche MCVEIGH (1895-1970)

Birth place: St. Charles, MO

Death place: Fort Worth, TX

Addresses: Fort Worth, TX

Profession: Etcher, teacher

Studied: St. Louis Sch. FA; AIC; PAFA; ASL; & with Daniel Garber, Doel Reed; Wash. Univ.

Exhibited: Phila. Print Club,1936-45;100 Prints, Chicago, 1936 (prize), 1938 (prize); CAFA, 1937-46 (prize, 1941); Buffalo Pr. Cl., 1938-39; Chicago SE, 1938-45; Oakland Art Gal., 1938-45; Texas FAA, 1938, 1946 (prize); WFNY 1939; SAE, 1940 (prize), 1942 (prize), 1944 (prize), 1946 (prize); Calif. Pr. Soc., 1940-44; Northwest Printmakers, 1940-42; PAFA, 1941-42; Dallas Print Cl., 1941-42 (prize), 1944 (prize)- 45, 1947 (prize)-48 (prize), 1950 (prize); AV, 1942; Texas General Exhib., 1942-44 (prize), 1945 (prize); Denver AM, 1943, 1945; NAD, 1943-44; Princeton Univ.; LOC, 1943-47 (prize); CI, 1945; SSAL, 1945 (prize); Ft. Worth AA, 1948 (prize), 1950 (prize), 1952 (prize); MMA, 1955

Member: Calif. Print Soc.; SAE; Chicago SE; Printmakers' Guild, Dallas; Dallas Print Cl.; SSAL; Prairie Printmakers; Artists Guild, Ft. Worth; Southern PM.

Work: Mus. FA of Houston; Ft. Worth AA; Oklahoma A &M. Col.; Dallas Mus. FA; CM; CI; LOC; Univ. Texas; Nat. Coll. FA, Smithsonian; Ft. Worth Pub. Lib.

Comments: Co-founder of Ft. Worth School of Fine Arts.

Sources: WW59; WW47; Trenton, ed. Independent Spirits, 184.
