biography of John PIKE (1911-1979)

Birth place: Boston, MA

Addresses: Woodstock, NY

Profession: Illustrator, painter

Studied: Hawthorne School Art, 1928-31; also with Richard Miller.

Exhibited: AIC; Ferargil Gal., NY (solo); Grace Home Gal., Boston (solo); WC Arm., PPFA; Am. WCC-NYWCC, 1939; Grand Central Art Gal.; SC, 1941 (Black & White Prizes); NAD, 1945 ( Halgarten Prize); Saint Petersburg (FL) Art Club; Oklahoma City Mus. Conserv. Art; Great Plains Mus., Lawton, OK; San Diego Fine Arts Festival, 1960-61. Awards: AWCS Award, 1942.

Member: Provincetown AA; Old Lyme AA; Woodstock AA; NYWCC; Am. Artists Group, Jamaica, BWI; NA; AWCS; Soc. Illustrators; Salmagundi Cl.

Work: Woodstock AA. Commissions: paintings, USAP Historical Foundation, France, Germany, Greenland, Ecuador, Columbia, Panama & others; advertisement for Lederle Labs, Alcoa, Standard Oil & Falstaff

Comments: Publications: contributor, illustrations & covers, Colliers, Reader's Digest, Life, Fortune , True. Teaching: instr., John Pike Watercolor School, Woodstock, NY, summers.

Sources: WW73; WW47; Woodstock AA cites birth date of 1917.
