biography of Douglas Dean OHLSON (1936-2010)

Birth place: Cherokee, IA

Addresses: NYC

Profession: Painter

Studied: Univ. Minnesota (B.A., 1961)

Exhibited: "Color, Image, Form," Detroit Inst. Arts, 1967; "The Art of the Real; USA 1948-68," MoMA, 1968-69; WMAA; "Am. Art Since 1960," Art Mus., Princeton Univ., 1970; Fischbach Gal., NYC, 1970s. Awards: Guggenheim fellowship, 1968

Work: CGA; Weatherspoon Gal., Univ. NC, Greensboro; Mus. Purchase Fund Coll., AFA; Beacon Coll., Boston, MA

Comments: Preferred medium: oils. Teaching: Hunter College, 1964-.

Sources: WW73; S. Burton, "Doug Ohlson: in the Wind," Art News (May, 1968); T. Littlefield, "When Walls Matter," Times-Union, Sept. 8, 1968; G. Battcock (ed.), Minimal Art, a Critical Anthology (Dutton, 1968).
