biography of Martin BAER (1894-1961)

Birth place: Chicago, IL

Addresses: Carmel, CA

Profession: Painter, etcher

Studied: Smiths A. Acad., Chicago; AIC; State Acad., Munich; Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris.

Exhibited: Munich, Germany, 1924; CPLH, 1943, 1946 (solo), 1963 (retrospective); AIC, 1928; Durand-Ruel, Paris, 1926; Galerie Jeune Peinture, Paris, 1928; Newhouse Gal., 1928 (with brother George), 1929, 1936, 1941; St. Louis, 1928; Galerie M. Benezit, Paris, 1936; Santa Barbara Mus. A., 1942; San Diego FAS, 1942; Taylor Gal., 1942.

Member: AAPL; Carmel AA.

Work: MoMA; UC Berkeley; Oakland Museum; LACMA; San Diego FA Soc.; CPLH; Eastman Mem. Fnd.; Oshkosh Pub. Mus.; Ft. Worth Mus. A.; Luxembourg Mus.; Musee du Jeu de Paume; Casablanca Mus., Morocco.

Comments: He and his brother George Baer (see entry) studied together and spent two years in North Africa, living and painting among the Arab people. Martin returned to Paris afterwards and stayed there until 1940. Because of the war he returned to NYC and was settled in California in 1941. In the 1950s he painted a series of the Native Americans of the Mt. Lassen region. His birth date has appeared as 1894 and 1895.

Sources: WW59 (puts date of birth at 1895); WW47 (puts date of birth at 1895); Hughes, Artists of California, (puts date of birth at 1894).
