biography of Vic HERMAN (1918-1999)

Birth place: Fall River, MA

Addresses: Kew Garden Hills, NY, 1947; Del Mar, CA, 1973

Profession: Cartoonist, painter, lecturer, writer

Studied: Yale Puppeteers, Los Angeles, apprenticed with Harry Burnett; ASL with George Bridgman; New York Commercial Illus. Sch. with Lu Kimmel; Columbia Univ. with Ed. Johnson & Samuel Penchansky.

Exhibited: solos, Munic. Gall., Veracruz, 1967, For Corresp. Gal., Mexico City, 1968, Span. Monastery Gallery, Miami, FL, 1969, Munic. Gal., St. Louis, MO, 1970 & Chicago Press Club Gallery, IL, 1972. Awards: USA Army Medal for creation of "Winnie the Wac," 1946; City Proclamations for Mex. paintings, San Diego, Del Mar, CA, New Rochelle & New York, 1950-70; Nat. Cartoonists Soc. Award Honor, 1970.

Member: Am. Soc. Magazine Cartoonists; Chicago Press Club; Mexico City For Corresp. Club; Soc. Illustrators; La Jolla AA; Graphic AA (vice-pres., 1962-67).

Work: Vic Herman Collection, Syracuse Univ.; Mex.-Norteamericano Cultural Inst., Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico; Repub. Mex. Gal., Los Angeles; Galeria Zamora, Veracruz, Mexico; Galeria Vic Herman, San Diego, CA. Commissions: Many Faces of Mexico, for U.S. Embassy, Mexico City & Govt. Mexico, 1960-; Lowrey Pines Bluff (painting), City of Del Mar, 1972.

Comments: Positions: asst dir., Warner Bros. Studios, New York, 1940-43; artist-field corresp., Army News Service, USA, 1943-46; pres. & prod. chief, Vic Herman Prod., 1950-60; freelance illusr. & corresp., New York & Mexico, 1950-. Publications: auth. & illusr., Winnie the Wac" (McKay)1945 (also syndicated as a daily cartoon); illusr., One Hundred Pounds of Popcorn, (Scholastic Publ., 1960); illusr., My Days Are Made Of Butterflies, 1970 & Language of Vision 1972 (Holt, Rinehart & Winston); auth. & illusr., Sunday in Zamora Park (Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1972).

Sources: WW73; WW47; Cal Whipple, "Soldier Artist Makes a Wac his heroine," Life (1945); Sally Cass, "US Artist Portrays the Mexican Feeling," Mexico City News, 1968; Dolly Maw, "Herman's Hacienda," San Diego Magazine, 1971."
