biography of Arthur Saron SARNOFF (1912-2000)

Birth place: Brooklyn, NY

Addresses: Glen Head, NY

Profession: Illustrator, commercial artist, painter

Studied: Industrial School Art; Grand Central School Art; also with Harvey Dunne.

Exhibited: Int. Art Galleries; Continental Art Galleries; Sports in Action, Grand Central Art Galleries, 1970s; Nat. Acad. Art; Allied Art Show; SI. Awards: Outdoor Poster award, 1957, Art Directors Club award.

Member: Soc. Illustrators; All. A. Am.

Work: Bass Mus.; Springfield Mus.; Parrish Mus.; Hartford Mus.; Grand Central Galleries & Nat. Art Mus. Sport, NYC. Commissions: fine art prints, Arthur Kaplan Co., Donald Art Co. & Cataldi Fine Prints.

Comments: Preferred media: oils, acrylics. Publications: contributor, all leading magaziness. Illustrator for national magazines and national advertisers.

Sources: WW73; WW47.
