biography of Peter Todd MITCHELL (1927-1988)

Birth place: NYC

Addresses: NYC

Profession: Painter

Studied: Acad. Bellas Artes, Mexico City, Mex., with Lozano & Galvan; Groton; Yale Art Sch.

Exhibited: Am Painters in Philadelphia Collections, 1962; Smithsonian Traveling Show Graphics, 1971; London Bridge Show, Guildhall-London, 1972; Tratford Gallery, London W1, England, 1970s Awards: First Tiffany Found Award for Painting, 1952.

Work: MMA. Commissions: murals, Van Wrangell, Malaga, Spain, 1955 & Thomas Murphy, St. Tropez, France, 1970.

Comments: Preferred media: oils.

Sources: WW73; Bert, L'oeuvre de P T Mitchell (Jardin Arts, 1969).
