biography of Frederick Knecht DETWILLER (1882-1953)

Birth place: Easton, PA

Death place: New York, NY

Addresses: NYC/New Harbor, ME; New York 19, NY; Easton, PA

Profession: Painter, educator, lithographer, illustrator, architect, teacher, lecturer, writer

Studied: Ecole des Beaux-Arts; Instituto di Belle Arti, Florence; Ecole Americane des Beaux-Arts, Palais de Fountainebleau; Columbia; ASL; Lafayette College, Ph.B., L.H.D.; N.Y. Law Sch., LL.B.; Columbia Univ.

Exhibited: Corcoran Gal, 1921; PAFA, 1925; FMA; Harvard Univ.; AIC, 1925, 1943; AV, 1943; Carnegie Inst., 1944, 1945; MMA, 1944; Albany Inst. Hist. & Art, 1943; Currier Gal., 1940; Butler AI, 1944-1946; Bennington Hist. Museum, 1940; Lafayette College, 1952; Salons of Am.; WMAA. Awards: Medal, BAID, 1910; prizes, SC, 1920; Beloit College, 1922; Lotos Club, 1940; All. A. Am., 1941; Library of Congress, 1944; AAPL, 1940; Baltimore WC Club, 1950; S.Indp.A.

Member: Assoc., NAD, 1939; Paris Am. Students Club; Paris AAA; Brooklyn WCC; AFA; Allied AA; Philadelphia SE; Artists Fellowship, Inc.; Lotos Club; Gld. Am. P.; Philadelphia Print Club; SC; Society of Indp. Artists; Society of Am. E.; Brooklyn PS; Brooklyn Society Am. E.; Brooklyn S. Mod. A.; Salons of America; Springfield (MA) AL; Artists of Carnegie Hall; Carolina AA; Southern PM Soc.; F., Royal Soc. A., London; AWCS; Connecticut Academy of FA; Brooklyn SA; Am. Color Pr. Soc.; A. Fellowship, Inc.

Work: Library of Congress; Smithsonian Inst.; NGA; U.S. Nat. Mus.; BM; Peabody Mus., Salem; Connecticut State Library; Newark Public Library; Bowdoin Mus. of FA; U.S. Naval Mus.; BibliothÈque Nationale & MusÈe Carnavalet, both in Paris; Rijks Museum; Biblioteque Royal de Belgique; Imperial War Mus., British Mus.; Victoria and Albert Mus.; City Museum; Vancouver; Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa; NCFA; Farnsworth Art Mus., Wellesley; Museum, City of N.Y.; Lafayette College; Bennington Hist. Mus.; Vanderpoel Coll.; Lotos Club; New York Historical Society; N.Y. Public Library.

Comments: Position: pres., All. A. Am., 1943-45; pres., SC, 1944-46; Council, SAE, 1939-41, 1945-47. Co-Author: Prominent Americans of Swiss Origin," 1932; author: "The Story of a Statue," 1943; illustrator for The Print Connoisseur and other art magazines. Lectures: Art in America; Art & Architecture in American Colleges.

Sources: WW53; WW47. "
