biography of Paul Turner SARGENT (1880-1946)

Birth place: Hutton, IL.

Death place: Hutton, IL

Addresses: Charleston, IL/ Los Angeles, CA

Profession: Painter, mural painter

Studied: John Harlow; Eastern Illinois State Normal School, with Anna Piper and Otis Caldwell; AIC, with C.F. Browne and J.H. Vanderpoel, 1906-12

Exhibited: AIC, 1912-17; Charleston AA, 1913; Los Angeles Central Lib., 1940

Member: Brown County Art Gal. Assn.; Hoosier Salon.

Work: Eastern Illinois Univ.; Univ. Indiana, Bloomington; murals: Crippled Children's Home, Sherman Park Field House, John Smythe School, all Chicago

Comments: Position: teacher, Eastern Illinois State Teacher's College, 1938-42.

Sources: WW40; Hughes, Artists in California, 491.
