biography of Alexander HOGUE (1898-1994)

Birth place: Memphis, MO

Death place: Tulsa, OK

Addresses: Denton, TX; Dallas, TX; New York, 1921; Tulsa, OK in 1976

Profession: Painter, writer, lithographer, teacher

Studied: Elizabeth Hillyar; F. Reaugh; Minneapolis AI; ASL

Exhibited: Houston Mus., 1929 (solo); Joseph Sartor Gal., Dallas, 1930 (permanent installation); All. Artists, Dallas, 1930-33 (prizes), 1937 (Lawrence S. Pollock Purchase Prize); S. Indp. A., 1931; SSAL, 1932 (prize); AIC; Texas State Fair Exhib., 1933; Corcoran Biennials, 1932-39 (4 exhibs.); AIC; Lawrence Art Gal., 1936; Dallas Print Soc., 1937 (prize); Int. Exhib., Jeu de Paume, Paris, 1938; Carnegie Int. Exhibs., 1938, 1939, 1946; WFNY, 1939; GGE, 1939; PAFA, 1944; Tate Gallery, London, 1946; MoMA, several years; WMAA; Corcoran Gal., 1971; Ninth Southwest Prints & Drawings, Dallas Mus. FA, 1959 (purchase award); Third Ann. Texas Print Exhib., Dallas Mus. FA, 1944 (Colorado Sprints FA Center Prize for Technical Excellence); Philbrook AC, Tulsa, OK, 1961 (grand award); Springfield (MO) Mus. Art, 1965 (purchase award).

Member: Southwestern AA; Audubon Artists; Lone Star Printmakers, 1938 (charter member); Dallas Artists Lg. (a founder)

Work: Philbrook AC, Tulsa; Gilcrease Fnd.; MusÈe du Jeu de Paume, Paris; Dallas Mus. FA; IBM; Encyclopedia Britannica Coll.; LOC; Houston Mus. FA; Corpus Christi Artists Fnd.; WPA murals, USPOs, Houston, Graham (both in Texas), Dallas City Hall (in collab. with Jerry Bywaters); Texas State College for Women; Univ. Oklahoma; Mus. Nat. Art Mod., Paris, France; Nat. Coll. FA, Washington, DC.

Comments: Known as the "artist of the dust bowl." He returned to Dallas after his studies in Minnesota before moving to NYC, where he worked in commerical art and visted museums and galleries. He returned to Texas several times in the summer on sketching trips organized by Frank Reaugh. He returned to Dallas for good in 1925 but spent much of his time with his friend Ernest Blumenschein in Taos, NM, 1926-42, where he became interested in the Pueblos. Preferred media: oil, watercolor, lithography. Cartoonist: ed. page, Dallas Times-Herald. Teaching: director, summer sketching camp, Glen Rose, TX; Texas State College Women, summers, 1931-42; Hockaday Jr. College; Univ. Tulsa, 1945-68. Illustr.: The Flavor of Texas, by J. Frank Dobie, other books. Auth./illustr.: Cathedral Voices" (poem), Southwest Review, Autumn, 1931; "Ignorance" (poem), Nimrod Magazine, Winter, 1959-60;"A Portrait of Pancho Dobie," Southwest Review, Spring, 1965; "Six Directions," "Out of Reach," "Silence," "Observed" (poems), New Mexico Quarterly, Spring, 1965; "To a Young Artist" (poem), Alumni Magazine, Univ. Tulsa, Spring, 1968.

Sources: WW73; Eldredge, et al., Art in New Mexico, 1900-45, 198-99. Positions: WPA artist, Texas c.1934; tech. illustr., North Am. Aviation, 1942. Stewart, Lone Star Regionalism, 169-72 (w/repros.); Falk, Exh. Record Series.
