biography of William A. GAW (1891-1973)

Birth place: San Francisco

Death place: Berkeley, CA

Addresses: Berkeley, CA

Profession: Painter, lithographer, etcher

Studied: with James Martin Griffin; San Francisco AI

Exhibited: AIC, 1932, 1936, 1945; MoMA, 1933; Los Angeles AA, 1934 (prize); Bay Region AA, 1936 (award); San Francisco AA, 1924, 1936 (gold), 1937 (prize); Fnd. Western Artists, 1937 (award); SFMA, 1937 (award), 1938 (award); GGE, 1939; WFNY 1939; Calif. State Fair, 1939 (award), 1940 (award); WMAA; Colorado Springs FA Center; deYoung Memorial Mus.; Pepsi-Cola, 1946; CPLH, 1932 (prize),1935, 1945, 1946, 1949 (solo), 1951, 1952, 1953 (solo); MMA, 1942, 1952; Corcoran Gal., 1939, 1941, 1949, 1953; LACMA, 1935 (award); San Diego FA Soc.; Mills College Art Gal.; CI, 1941; CM; Tacoma Art Lg., 1948; Everhart Mus., 1948; BMA, 1948; J. B. Speed Mus. Art, 1948; Springfield AA, 1948; Oakland Art Gal., 1933 (award), 1934 (award),1939 (award), 1949; Santa Cruz., CA, 1949; San Francisco Art Festival, 1950, 1951; Richmond (CA) Art Center, 1951, 1952; Walnut Creek, CA, 1949, 1950, 1955; PMG, 1947; Rochester Mem. Art Gal., 1947; Paintings of the Year, NY, 1947; Earlham College, 1957, 1958; Penn. State Univ., 1958.

Member: Bay Region AA, Oakland; Bohemian Club; San Francisco AA.(director, 1937)

Work: MoMA; SFMA; PLH; San Francisco AA; San Diego FA Soc.; Mills College, and Oakland (CA) Mus.

Comments: Son of Hugh Gaw (see entry). Lectures: tTechniques, science of color. Position: acting director, Calif. School FA, San Francisco, 1941-45; chmn. art dept., Mills College, Oakland, CA 1942-57; prof. emeritus, 1957-; chmn. creative art workshop, Mills College, 1943-56; director, AEA, Northern Calif. Chapt., 1950, 1951; John Hay Whitney visiting professor, Earlham College, Richmond, IN, 1957-58.

Sources: WW59; WW47. More recently, see Hughes, Artists of California, 202.
