Selling an artwork

Artists, galerists, art dealers and private sellers, sell your art on the Artprice Marketplace.

  • Connect with 2.7 million Artprice art lovers and collectors
  • Earn more: no fees on classified ads and low fees on Auction ads.
  • Take control of the selling & shipping process.
  • Know your buyers better with our data analytics (with Artprice Store only).

How to sell

Get started with a free account (Create your account) or open an Artprice STORE to increase your online visibility.

We guide you step-by-step to publish your ads:

  1. verify if the artist is included in our index. If he/she is not yet listed, click here.
  2. complete your seller profile in " My account" > "My customer profile" > "Seller profile".
  3. under the menu "Marketplace", click on "Sell" and you will be ready to start.

Choose the type of ad:

  • Auction ads: 100% secure transactions
    Your anonymity is maintained and the payment is secured through an online trusted third party (seller’s fees range from 5% to 9% - see Auctions user's guide)

  • Classified ads: simple and cost-free
    You can place up to 3 ads without a subscription. Potential buyers contact you directly via our secure messaging and you manage your transactions in a completely free and autonomous way, at no cost!

Artprice cannot be held responsible for the announcements and transactions taking place on the Marketplace. We therefore recommend that you use common sense and caution and favor exchanges on Marketplace messaging.

Open your ARTPRICE STORE for only €229 (us$259 / £209) a year

Unlimited classified ads             Increased visibility with a customized space
Commission-free transactions Daily data analysis

You require further information? Contact us HERE