Artist The prices of ZT TOSHA / All the artworks on the Marketplace
Type of Artwork Original artwork
Title IMG 7685
Year 2019
Category Painting
Medium Acrylic
Signature verso
Size of the artwork
31.5 x 47.24 x 1.18 in
80 x 120 x 3 cm
Certificate issued by ZT Tosha
Invoice issued by ZT Tosha
Condition excellent

We cannot convey to others the intimate subjective notion of beauty that we have. We cannot describe in words our special sense of beauty so that someone else can be aware of exactly the same feeling. We can, however, they often create a physical symbol that will adequately represent our idea of beauty to others. A symbol that is objectively perceived in visual or auditory form will evoke someone else's aesthetic sense.

Lot # 2764079
Seller status Private seller
Country NETHERLANDS (Amsterdam)
Cost Shipping and delivery to be paid for by the buyer
Insurance Yes
Number of parcels 1
Weight 4.0 Kg
Additional information

ZT Tosha is regarded as a well established artist from the Netherlands. Born in 1961, Zoran Tosic Tosha achieved worldwide recognition for his subversion of the classical image. ZT Tosha emphasizes that our actions have become symbiotic with our environment and that our behavior is a function of the situation, not of our internal traits. "We act depending on the circumstances at the time, not based on some collection of traits. My paintings are the conflict between the formal composition of an image and its content. The ambiguity of an image's composition expresses a tension between memory and content."

Auction ends on 07 May 2024 06:00
In process
7,800 €
7,800 € (8,395 $)
7,800 € (6,694 £)
7,800 € (60,749 ¥)