ABY GOLDEN LADY B - New York - Jazzy Liberty

Artist The prices of ABY GOLDEN LADY B / All the artworks on the Marketplace
Type of Artwork Multiple
Title New York - Jazzy Liberty
Year 2022
Category Photography
Medium Impression/aluminium
Number and/or edition 1/11
Signature verso
Stamp Yes
Stamped by Aby Golden Lady B
Size of the artwork
72.83 x 131.1 x 1.18 in
185 x 333 x 3 cm
Certificate issued by ABY GOLDEN LADY B
Invoice issued by ABY CONSULTINA
Condition excellent

New York Liberty Jazz est une photographie qui invite à sublimer une scène banale de la vie quotidienne à New York.

À travers l'ombre de personnes qui accostent, New York - Jazzy Liberty est un air de musique qui se dégage de l'image, un concert improvisé mêlant milles vies en une et une en mille;

Lot # 2787515
Seller status Professional
Cost Shipping and delivery to be paid for by the seller
Insurance Yes
Number of parcels 1
Weight 10.0 Kg
Auction ends on 28 Jun 2024 06:00
In process
2,200 €
2,200 € (2,359 $)
2,200 € (1,858 £)
2,200 € (17,120 ¥)