Artist The prices of Richard BOIGEOL / All the artworks on the Marketplace
Type of Artwork Original artwork
Title NU II
Year 2004
Category Painting
Medium Acrylic
Signature lower left
Size of the artwork
36.22 x 23.62 in
92 x 60 x 2 cm
Overall Framed Size
38.19 x 25.59 x 1.97 in
97 x 65 x 5 cm
Certificate issued by L'artiste
Invoice issued by Le vendeur
Condition good condition

Une oeuvre basée sur la simplification et la pureté des formes . Ce travail du Nu pourrait être destiné à la sculpture. Deux couleurs de base avec quelques subtiles nuances suffisent à donner à ce tableau tout son charme.

Lot # 2783137
Seller status Professional
Cost Shipping and delivery to be paid for by the buyer
Insurance Yes
Weight 3.0 Kg
Additional information

Oeuvre encadrée . Caisse Américaine noire.

Starting bid
1,700 €
1,700 € (1,844 $)
1,700 € (1,448 £)
1,700 € (13,341 ¥)
Auction starts on 04 Jun 2024 06:00