Olusola AYIBIOWU - Firewood

Artist The prices of Olusola AYIBIOWU / All the artworks on the Marketplace
Type of Artwork Original artwork
Title Firewood
Year 2020
Category Painting
Medium Oil
Signature lower left
Size of the artwork
28.74 x 38.98 in
73 x 99 cm
Certificate of authenticity No
Invoice issued by International Gallery Creative Arts
Condition good condition

A firewood is any wooden material gathered and used for fuel.

The central role of firewood as a form of energy in Nigeria, its demand, supply in the past has reduced drastically due to advance in technology. While some people in the the village still goes to farm to fetch firewood as a means of living and survival in the villages.

Lot # 2785330
Seller status Professional
Country NIGERIA (Lagos)
Cost Shipping and delivery to be paid for by the seller
Shipping cost 350
Insurance No
Starting bid
6,000 €
6,000 € (6,483 $)
6,000 € (5,095 £)
6,000 € (46,980 ¥)
Auction starts on 10 Jun 2024 20:00