Paolo AMBROSIO - Eventi dal mondo

Artist The prices of Paolo AMBROSIO / All the artworks on the Marketplace
Type of Artwork Original artwork
Title Eventi dal mondo
Year 1990
Category Painting
Medium Mixed media
Signature lower right
Size of the artwork
59.06 x 46.46 x 1.57 in
150 x 118 x 4 cm
Certificate issued by Ambrosio Paolo
Invoice issued by Arkivio gallery
Condition excellent

IMAGE-ART is an artistic practice used by Ambrosio who since the 1970s has used the eye's ability to play on the act of GESTURE. Ambrosio shows the GESTURE that does not ask you to see but to identify the movement it has achieved. On the traces of the movement of the hand, an expressive form emerges, a SIGN that gives freedom to the GESTURE. The constant alternation in the use of toilet paper, despite the underlying irony and irreverent conceptuality, suggests the depth of the space. The GESTURE-SIGN is compared to a voice that calls the visitor in the suspended magic that that voice emanates

Lot # 2783533
Seller status Professional
Country ITALY (Torino)
Cost Shipping and delivery to be paid for by the seller
Shipping cost 300
Deliver to addressee in person Delivery to the addressee in person within 50 km
Insurance Yes
Number of parcels 1
Weight 10.0 Kg
Additional information

The buyer decides on the transport as best he can

Auction ends on 18 Jun 2024 20:00
In process
1,000 €
1,000 € (1,080 $)
1,000 € (849 £)
1,000 € (7,830 ¥)