Carlo VANCHIERI - Somale

Artist The prices of Carlo VANCHIERI / All the artworks on the Marketplace
Type of Artwork Original artwork
Title Somale
Year 2014
Category Painting
Medium Mixed media
Signature verso
Size of the artwork
23.62 x 19.69 in
60 x 50 x 2 cm
Certificate issued by Vanchieri Carlo
Bill/Invoice No
Condition good condition

This painting aims to show African World's charm and beauty, represented through typical Somali Women's sinuosity. Actually this is just a plea, because it's all about decoration, colors and constant fabrics' reminders, introducing us to the African brightness perception.

Technique: oil and oil-painted tissue paper, with acrylic colour applications on canvas.

Lot # 2777768
Seller status Private seller
Country ITALY (Bagheria)
Cost Shipping and delivery to be paid for by the buyer
Shipping cost 40
Insurance No
Number of parcels 1
Weight 3.0 Kg
Auction ends on 26 Jun 2024 06:00
In process
3,500 €
3,500 € (3,746 $)
3,500 € (2,952 £)
3,500 € (27,177 ¥)