Artist The prices of Istvan JARMECZKY / All the artworks on the Marketplace
Type of Artwork Original artwork
Year 2011
Category Painting
Medium Oil/canvas
Signature lower right
Size of the artwork
15.75 x 15.75 in
40 x 40 x 2 cm
Certificate issued by Istvan jarmeczky
Bill/Invoice No
Condition excellent

The creation of an abstract is an essential and absolutely fundamental appearance of the external and internal world or our basic rational, sentient being. It is a vision of all our experiences and understandings in which rational and emotional considerations influence each other.
An abstract work is as if we are speaking while we are thinking…and also, when we are not speaking but we are thinking.
The abstract is the entirety of the world within us, our personal world. It is what we create for ourselves.

Lot # 2787269
Seller status Private seller
Country HUNGARY (Pécs)
Cost Shipping and delivery to be paid for by the seller
Shipping cost 190
Deliver to addressee in person Delivery to the addressee in person within 400 km
Insurance Yes
Number of parcels 1
Weight 14.0 Lb
Additional information

Delivering from Jarmeczkyart Studio.

Will be carefully packed in a wooden crate.

Ready to hang right out of the box.

Shipping costs are paid for by the seller.


Auction ends on 28 Jun 2024 06:00
In process
2,210 $ (2,065 €)
2,210 $
2,210 $ (1,742 £)
2,210 $ (16,035 ¥)