Francisco VIDAL - Artist with reclined model

Artist The prices of Francisco VIDAL / All the artworks on the Marketplace
Type of Artwork Original artwork
Title Artist with reclined model
Year 2009
Category Painting
Medium Acrylic
Signature verso
Size of the artwork
24 x 30 x 3 in
60.96 x 76.2 x 7.62 cm
Certificate issued by Francisco Vidal the artist creator of the work
Bill/Invoice No
Condition excellent
Artistic Movement Figurative Contemporary Latin American

Pintura Figurativa pintada con acrylico en lienzo Sensual no erotica

de la serie El Artista en excelente condicion 

Compre con confidencia y lo que le guste 

 firmada al frente y alverso contoda la informacion por el artist Francisco Vidal creador de la Pintura

en perfecta condicion


Lot # 2806438
Seller status Private seller
Country UNITED STATES (New York)
Cost Shipping and delivery to be paid for by the buyer
Deliver to addressee in person Delivery to the addressee in person within 200 km
Insurance Yes
Number of parcels 1
Weight 3.0 Lb
Additional information

Francisco  Vidal es un artista prolifico con una produccion grande anual

pintor colombiano trabaja en series compre con confidencia crea en su gusto personal

Auction ends on 31 Jul 2024 12:00
In process
200 $ (184 €)
200 $
200 $ (155 £)
200 $ (1,450 ¥)